Eco Warriors
Overnight CampAges: Open to students who have graduated grade 4 through to grade 8.
Try-a-camp: July 28 – 30, 2019
Full session: July 28 – August 2, 2019
Where: The Canadian Ecology Centre, Mattawa, ON
Participate in an innovative and exciting overnight camp aimed at developing the next generation of environmental leaders.
Engage in hands-on activities and experiences that develop ecological literacy, environmental leadership, and community action.
Have fun in outdoor recreation and team-building activities.
Qualified and experienced teachers and staff facilitating the camp with 24-hour supervision.
Great food, accommodations, and memories!
Registration now open!
Full Session
- Prices are subject to HST
- Early bird: save $50 if you register by May 31, 2019
- Accommodations, meals and all programs
- 24 Hour supervision from qualified and experienced teachers and staff
What will my child be doing in this camp?
Each day of the camp will have a focused Eco-Warrior Theme. The themes to be explored are:
- Team-building
- Eco-Awareness
- What is a leader?
- Community
- How to be an Eco-Warrior
The Canadian Ecology Centre will also provide Outdoor and Experiential Activities and Skills throughout the Eco-Warriors Camps. Some of these Activities will include:
- Swimming (a swim test will occur for everyone on Sunday by fully certified NLS Lifeguards)
- Canoeing on the beautiful Mattawa River (with lifeguards)
- Nature Crafts and Art
- Music
- Wilderness Survival Skills
- Free-time Athletic Activities (basketball, Frisbee, group games)
- Paddle Making/Decorating
- Journaling
- Navigation and GPS
- Nature Photography
- Traditional First Nations heritage crafts and weaving
Each day of the Eco-Warriors Camp will also have an exciting and applicable Science connection and share how Science is everywhere in our world! These will include concepts such as:
- Weather (cooking using a solar oven)
- Rocks and Soils (geology and hiking)
- Aquatics and Stream Ecology (water conservation, stream study)
- ‘Backwoods Chemistry’ (fire safety and snacks)
- Nature Studies (Sit Spot, Animal Ecology games)
What will a typical day look like at Eco-Warriors Camps?
- 7:30am – Wake up and get ready for the day
- 8:00 – Breakfast in the Birch Dining Hall
- 8:30 – Back to cabins to brush teeth, get hat, waterbottle etc.
- 9:00 – ‘Morning Props’ Greeting and Theme for the Day
- 9:15 – Science Connection and Group Activity
- 11:30 – Game
- 12:00pm – Lunch in the Birch Dining Hall
- 12:30 – Rest Hour/Quiet time with optional crafts/drawing
- 1:30 – Outdoor Skill Activity (ie. canoeing/paddle making/hiking/survival/GPS)
- 4:00 – All Camp Swim/Shower Time
- 5:00 – Dinner
- 6:00 – After Dinner Athletics
- 6:30 – Evening Activities and Reflection about Day’s Theme
- 7:00 – Campfire
- 8:00 – Return to Cabins
- 9:00 – Lights out (later activities may be provided for older campers)
** Optional, sky dependent: Observatory open one evening to see the telescope and night sky.
How do I register my child?
You can register your child through our online reservation system. If you have any questions about how to register, please do not hesitate to contact us.
What is the cancellation policy?
Cancellations made before July 1st will be refunded all monies except for a non-refundable $50 administration fee.
No money will be refunded for any cancellations made during the camp.
Are subsidies available?
Subsidies may be available for campers requiring financial assistance. Please send an email to outlining your financial need.
When is drop-off and pick-up?
Drop-off is 1pm on the first day of camp, pick-up is between 4pm and 5pm on the last day.
Can my child bring their cellphone/iPad?
CEC phones are always available for a child to call home right from our front desk – and they have the best ‘reception’! If your child does want to bring any electronic or technology devices, they will be collected on the first day at Registration.
The CEC believes in the value of “disconnecting” from technology and “re-connecting” with face-to-face social interaction and play…something that is hard to do in our electronically-minded society. This is a positive experience and something that you can discuss with your child prior to attending the program. Campers are only permitted to bring digital cameras, and CD’s to play in a small portable stereo.
How do I get in touch with my child?
What are the cabin accommodations like?
What should my child bring to camp?
A complete equipment list is sent out closer to the start of camp.
What kind of food is provided?
All meals are provided, including accommodations for any dietary needs and/or allergies. We cannot provide for extremely picky eaters; however, we do have a wonderful salad bar filled with lots of options and always aim to serve kid-friendly and healthy food! A designated snack is not provided, but we have a fruit bowl and our dining hall has a bread bar for kids who need a pick-me-up. Some campers will bring a few NUT-FREE snacks with them that they can keep in their individual cabins. Please remember that we are a NUT-FREE camp! If you have any particular questions about how we accommodate special dietary needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Who will be supervising my child?
Children will be supervised by the Youth Camp Coordinator. They, along with counselors, will be providing care to all campers. There are also many education and support staff working at the Canadian Ecology Centre during the camp who are qualified in Wilderness First Aid, life guarding, and canoeing.
Is the CEC an Ontario Camps Association (OCA) Camp?
No. The Canadian Ecology Centre has begun the process of our OCA Accreditation and looks forward to achieving it in the near future. The CEC currently follows all industry standards for Outdoor Education and follows the school board’s OPHEA (Ontario Physical and Health Education Association) regulations, which are province-wide.
Are there other camps/courses running at the same time as Eco-Warriors?
What is the ratio of staff:camper?
We plan to keep the camp relatively small with only 20 – 24 campers. Ideally we would have equal male/female groups, but this will depend on registration. However, we will not have a ratio bigger than 1:6 and it could be as small as 1:4. This is also activity-dependent.
What is the Swim Test and how does it work?
The Swim Test is done on the first evening (weather permitting) and consists of a 50m swim as well as 2 minutes of treading water. This test is done with 3 lifeguards present and in small groups of campers. Campers are never forced to go in the water, and can opt to do the whole test with a lifejacket on. If a camper chooses this, it simply means s/he needs to wear a lifejacket for all swimming activities during the camp.
My child has never been canoeing, can they still attend?
Yes! The CEC is great place to experience canoeing for the first time! All campers must wear lifejackets, which are checked by a lifeguard before entering the canoes. Certified lifeguards supervise canoeing.
My child is used to going to bed earlier. Can they still attend?
Yes! Campers are often excited during a week of camp with lots of fun programs to attend. However, the CEC will have staff available if a camper requires an earlier bed-time. The key here is to inform us of this, so we can make the appropriate accommodations.
My child has never been to camp. What if they get homesick?
Campers will be able to contact their parents if they feel the need (such as homesickness) and if it is beneficial to the situation. This can be discussed further on a case-by-case basis, as for some campers, constant contact with parents can be more detrimental to the experience. Our aim is to create a positive camp experience and help campers with homesickness so they can gain that healthy independence.
What if my child isn’t behaving at camp?
At the Canadian Ecology Centre, we have high expectations for all participants to be respectful of others, themselves, and their surroundings. If a camper is displaying disrespectful behaviour that is inappropriate and cannot be resolved, the Youth Camp Coordinator or Education Staff will contact you and you may be asked to come and pick up your child. It is our goal to provide a safe and positive experience for all participants in the camp.
My child needs to take daily medication. How will this be administered?
Upon registration, all campers will drop off ALL the medication they have brought with them. This includes prescription medications as well as any over-the-counter medications. They will all be stored in a First Aid Kit and administered when deemed appropriate by the parent. If a child is requesting a Tylenol, for example, the parent will be called before administering, or directions will be followed as per the registration form.