Our Education Staff

Bill Steer, OCT
General Manager
Bill Steer a.k.a. “Back Roads Bill” is a certified teacher and the General Manager and “originator” of the Canadian Ecology Centre. He holds degrees and diplomas from Laurentian University, Nipissing College, McMaster University and Durham College. Most of his work experience is within the field of environmental education and special education with the Near North District School Board and the Simcoe County Board of Education. He is also the Director of the National Green Check GPS Certification Program (www.greencheckgps.ca), which administers three levels of geomatics certification.
Bill also has a variety of research interests. He studies “lost person” behaviour and spatial awareness as it pertains to human behaviour in the outdoors, and has worked with Dr. John and Mary Theberge on wolf research in Algonquin Park. He has also authored a variety of natural and cultural books and thematic maps.
He is a Trustee with the Near North District School Board. He teaches senior geography for Nipissing University’s Faculty of Education. Additionally, he teaches a geomatics (GIS/GPS/imagery) course within the Environmental Technician Program at Canadore College.
He can be found at:
GPS Coordinates WGS Zone 17 T E 663576 N 5129113 (NAD 83) and
Lat. N 46 17.870′ Long. W 78 52.567′
To read his articles on the area’s hidden gems and listen to the CBC’s Backroads Bill archives, check out his website at www.steerto.com.

Laura Kielpinski, OCT
Assistant General Manager, Director of Operations & Education
Laura is a certified teacher who oversees the general operations and educational programs at the Canadian Ecology Centre and has been with the CEC since January 2002. She is involved with the development and delivery of school/youth programs, OWLS and the high school credit courses and special programs. Laura works closely with the General Manager to oversee the the daily operations of the facility.
She holds an honours degree in Physical and Health Education (specialising in Outdoor Adventure Leadership) and a diploma in Environmental Science from Laurentian University, and also has a Bachelor of Education from Lakehead University in Outdoor Experiential Education. She teaches the Outdoor Experiential course as well as the Environmental Science and Outdoor Experiential Education Additional Qualification courses for the Faculty of Education at Nipissing University. Laura is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT), a certified Forest Therapy Guide (ANFT) and Forest and Nature School Practitioner (CNAC). Laura holds certifications in Standard First Aid and CPR, Wilderness First Responder (WMA, 80 hour), National Lifeguard (NLS), canoeing (ORKCA), and risk management and safety planning. Laura is also a GPS Instructor and Instructor Trainer for the National Green Check GPS Certification program, and is an instructor for the Canadian Wildlife Federation’s “Project Wild” and “Below Zero” programs.
Her passions and interests include sharing her love of the natural world with all those around her and helping others to find comfort and enjoyment from spending time in the outdoors. She enjoys being active in a variety of outdoor activities (mountain biking, canoeing, hiking, and cross country skiing) with her family and two children.

Coral Bissett, OCT
Programs and Administration Manager, Website/Social Media Administrator
Coral is a certified teacher & forest school practitioner and has been with the CEC since May 2007. As the Bilingual Programs and Administration Manager, she functions as the liaison between visiting groups and the CEC. She works closely with the Assistant General Manager/Director of Operations & Education to create, enhance, and document in writing all educational programs, assists in managing the daily operations and administration of the CEC, coordinates special events, works on marketing, and delivers educational programs and material in both English and French. She is also a teacher mentor through the CEC’s OWLS program, and runs the CEC’s Forest School and Summer Forest Camps.
Coral holds an honours degree in Environmental Studies and Geography from Queen’s University. She obtained her Bachelor of Education degree from Nipissing University (specialising in Junior/Intermediate Geography and Outdoor Education, and an AQ in Senior Geography). Coral is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT), a certified Forest and Nature School Practitioner (CNAC) and holds qualifications in canoeing (ORCKA) and Wilderness First Responder (WMA, 80Hrs) and Standard First Aid and CPR. Coral is also an instructor for the National Green Check GPS Certification program.
Coral lives in North Bay with her husband and two adventurous daughters where they spend their summers camping and exploring their local wild spaces and their winters building toboggan runs in the backyard! She finds immense joy in sharing her passion for nature with her family, friends, and surrounding community.

Tim Lougheed, OCT
Program and Site Coordinator
Tim is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) and is currently working towards his Forest and Nature School Practitioners certification (CNAC). Tim holds certifications in Standard First Aid and CPR, Wilderness First Responder (WMA, 80 hour), Wilderness Water Safety, and National Lifeguard (NLS), Tim is also a GPS Instructor for the National Green Check GPS Certification program.