Educational Programs

Lead by our qualified staff, our quality programs fit into the Ontario Curriculum’s requirements and can be adapted for all ages and abilities. Below is a list of the programs we offer to visiting groups. Custom-designed programs are also available upon request. Programs lengths can be tailored to suit the group’s age and abilities, and the trip’s length.


Understanding our impact and role in our natural environment is an essential part of our programs at the Ecology Centre. Gain a better understanding and appreciation for our natural world and learn how you can have a positive influence on our environment. We can all live by the M.A.D.E. principle (Make a Difference Environmentally).

General Ecology

General Ecology

All Seasons

Explore the relationships between the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) components in an environment. Understand the importance of various ecosystems and their key components. Games and hands-on activities will be used to explore key concepts.
Animal Ecology

Animal Ecology

All Seasons

What are herbivores, omnivores and carnivores? Play games and activities to explore concepts such as animal adaptations, predator/prey relationships, carrying capacity, and population dynamics. Learn about some of the common animals in the area.
Winter Ecology

Winter Ecology

Season: Winter

Students will take part in snow experiments and play games to discover animals’ winter adaptations, and the significance of snow in a winter environment.
Forest Ecology

Forest Ecology

All Seasons

Use real forest tools (clinometers, calipers, etc) to study the forest. Collect data on tree height, width, and species to determine the health of a forest ecosystem. Learn about the importance of forests in our everyday lives and understand key terms such as sustainability, renewable resources, and silviculture systems.
Wetland Ecology

Wetland Ecology

Late spring, Summer, Early fall

Take advantage of some of the unique wetland areas around the Canadian Ecology Centre. Discover the importance of these areas and the abiotic/biotic interactions which are taking place in them. Learn about how wetlands are used in alternative ways, such as landfill construction.
Water's Going On?

Water's Going On?

Spring, Summer, Fall

Through games and activities students will explore the effects of environmental and human influences on our water supply.
River/Stream Study

River/Stream Study

Late spring, summer, early fall

Stu­dents will in­ves­ti­gate the health of local water sys­tems and learn dif­fer­ent sam­pling and data col­lec­tion meth­ods. These in­clude col­lec­tion and iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of ben­thic macroin­ver­te­brates, chem­i­cal test­ing (eg. dis­solved oxy­gen and pH), and phys­i­cal prop­er­ties (ve­loc­ity, tem­per­a­ture, etc.).

Pro­gram Length:min 2-3 hours

Soil Ecology

Soil Ecology

Late spring, summer, early fall

“Don’t treat soil like dirt!”

Dis­cover the dif­fer­ent soil types, what lives in the soil, and the role of soil in our en­vi­ron­ment. Look at how dif­fer­ent soil types can af­fect things such as tree and plant growth, agri­cul­ture, land­fill con­struc­tion, and more.

Geology Rocks

Geology Rocks

Spring, summer, Fall

In­ves­ti­gate the phys­i­cal prop­er­ties of rocks and min­er­als through hands-on ac­tiv­i­ties and ex­per­i­ments. Ex­plore the sur­round­ing area for ev­i­dence of past and pre­sent ge­o­log­i­cal processes, and learn about how ge­ol­ogy af­fects our daily lives.



All seasons

Learn about the importance of climate and how various weather conditions affect our environment. How is climate change impacting our daily lives, and what does it mean for our future?
Environmental Crafts

Environmental Crafts

All seasons

Recycled paper, nature journals, bark rubbings… the possibilities are endless. 


Technology is part of our everyday life. All of us, especially our youth, are growing accustomed to an increasingly digital society. Here at the CEC we embrace technology and incorporate it into our educational programs.

Introduction to GPS

Introduction to GPS

All seasons

Learn how GPS works and try your new skills outdoors to explore the power of this useful spatial reference tool. Challenge yourself to a GPS treasure hunt! Longer programs can be combined with Orienteering to include maps and compass.
GPS Certification

GPS Certification

All seasons

The National Green Check Certification Program provides high-quality certifications that are recognised by colleges, universities, and many workplaces, which students can add to their resumes. The courses cover basic map and compass skills and how they apply to GPS technology. These courses focus on basic map and compass skills, and how they apply to GPS technology.

Additional Cost: $22/participant for GPS

Program Length: 4-8 hours

Level: Grade 9+ and SHSM students


Being active and outdoors is an integral part of any environmental education program. We believe that environmental education is more than just knowing the classroom material. Developing a strong environmental ethic is all about surrounding yourself with nature and finding lifelong activities that support a healthy respect for oneself, each other, and our environment. Our many outdoor skills and activities are focused on personal goals, challenges, and team work.

Wilderness Survival

Wilderness Survival

All seasons

Explore various survival skills such as fire starting, shelter construction, knots, and “leave no trace” camping. Learn the basic human survival needs and apply your skills in a quest for survival. An excellent team-building program.


All seasons

This program can be done in conjunction with GPS or as a program on its own. Learn how to use a topographical map and compass for navigation. Complete our orienteering course around the CEC or draw your own!


Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter (snow dependent)

Explore one of the many trails in Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park. Watch for signs of wildlife, learn to identify plants and trees, and enjoy the scenic views. Combine this program with others such as Heritage and Ecology!



Winter (snow dependent)

Explore a winter wonderland on snowshoes. Combine this program with others such as Heritage and Ecology!



Late spring, summer, early fall*

Learn the fun­da­men­tal canoe and pad­dling skills on our his­toric wa­ter­ways. (There is no water on site at the CEC, canoeing takes place on lakes within the Provincial Park a 20-minute walk from the CEC). Subject to the availability of certified staff.

Additional Fee: $20/person + HST

Level: Grade 7+

Re­quire­ments: A swim test is re­quired prior to ca­noe­ing.

*Dependent on water temperatures.



Late spring, summer, early fall*

Enjoy a swim with our qual­i­fied life­guards to cool off after a warm and busy day of ac­tiv­i­ties. (There is no water on site at the CEC, swimming takes place at Provincial Park beaches a 20-minute walk from the CEC). Subject to the availability of certified staff.

Additional Fee: $10/person + HST

Re­quire­ments: A swim test is re­quired.

*Dependent on water temperatures.


Experiencing physical and visual connections with historic places is an important part of understanding and appreciating past events. Rich with Canadian history, our location in Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park allows us to offer a unique experience as we are located on the main route of the historic fur trade.



All seasons

Learn about local history in our heritage program. Bake traditional bannock bread around a campfire, hike along a historic portage trail, play traditional games, and learn the story of the indigenous people of this land. Pair this program with a hike or a snowshoe!

Fur Trade Game

Fur Trade Game

All seasons

Learn about the fur trade in the fun and educational game. Take on the role of a voyageur as your travel around the CEC site looking for historic trading posts, complete group challenges to test your strength and agility, answer trivia, and negotiate trades your European goods for furs! Make the best deals and win the game!


The fun does not end when the sun goes down! Enjoy some evening fun with our education staff!



All seasons

Songs, skits, riddles and stories. It will be a campfire to remember. Feel free to bring snacks!
Creatures of Night

Creatures of Night

All Seasons

The night is alive… Owls, frogs, bats and other nocturnal animals come out of hiding. Play games to explore why some animals are more active at night and what adaptations they use to survive. Complement your program with night vision monoculars.
Wolf Howl

Wolf Howl

All Seasons

Do wolves really howl at the moon? Discover the secret lives of wolves and participate in a group wolf howl!
Hand Drumming

Hand Drumming

All Seasons

Create a rhythm of your own using a variety of hand drums (djembe, doumbek and konga) and shakers.
Legends of the Night Sky

Legends of the Night Sky

All Seasons

The night sky has been used for centuries for navigation and for storytelling. In this activity, students will have the opportunity to create their own legend and constellation using tea lights.


Talk to us to develop a program tailored to your group’s needs!

Let our qualified teaching staff work with you to develop an educational experience tailored to meet your unique needs. We can incorporate offsite field trips, guest speakers, and special projects and assignments into your programs to help enhance your student’s learning. We can help you with specific curriculum units and culminating activities in an engaging and experiential learning environment. Contact our Education Team today to discuss your enhanced educational experience.


We can design programs to fit within the SHSM framework.

Are you a SHSM lead/teacher looking to compliment your programs with unique experiences and training? We have worked with many SHSM programs across Ontario to develop programs that meet their needs, including ICE training, GPS/GIS certification, Tree & Plant ID, Project Wild/Below Zero, and many more! Contact our Education Team today to discuss how we can help.


Why not stay with us for your next ski trip?

Looking to compliment your school trip with a downhill skiing experience? We have partnered with Antoine Mountain to bring you one-of-a-kind program opportunities that combine the best educational experience with the best skiing experience. Contact us to find out more about how to book your one-of-a-kind ski trip!